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How to Play Dominoes: Complete Guide for Beginners

How to play dominoes

Discover the fascinating world of dominoes, a classic game that transcends generations and cultures. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to play dominoes, covering everything from the basic rules to advanced strategies to become a master of the game.


The Basics of Dominoes

Game History

Originating in ancient China, dominoes is a game that has been around for centuries before reaching the tables of enthusiasts around the world. With rules that vary from region to region, its essence remains the same, uniting people through strategic challenge and luck.

Game Components

The dominoes game is made up of 28 rectangular pieces, known as stones, tokens or dominoes. Each piece is divided by a line, forming two squares, each containing 0 to 6 points (or none, in the case of the white stone).

Preparation for the Game

Choosing the Players

Dominoes is a versatile game that can be played individually or in pairs, usually with 2 to 4 players. The choice of game format directly affects the strategy and dynamics of the match.

Arranging the Parts

Before starting the game, the dominoes must be shuffled in the center of the table. Each player then selects a specific number of tiles, which will remain visible only to them during the game.

Game rules

Starting the Game

The player who has the highest scoring piece, usually the double six, starts the game by placing it in the center of the table. If no one has the double six, the highest scoring tile available starts the game.

Playing the Pieces

Players, going clockwise, must then place one of their pieces adjacent to the piece(s) already on the table, so that the sides of the touching pieces have the same number of points. If a player cannot play, they must pass their turn.

Counting the Points

The game continues until one player places all of his pieces on the table or until no player can play. In the latter case, the game is blocked. Players then count the points of the remaining tiles, and the player with the fewest points is declared the winner of the round.

Winning Strategies

Read the Game

A crucial skill in dominoes is the ability to read the game, predicting your opponents' pieces based on the pieces played and the pieces you have. This helps you determine which pieces to play and when to block your opponents.

Controlling the Game

Controlling the game involves keeping versatile pieces that can be played in various situations, as well as forcing your opponents to play pieces that are advantageous to you.

Opponent Block

A strategic aspect of dominoes is blocking your opponent, forcing them to pass their turn. This is done by keeping track of pieces that could be played in response to yours, especially in directions where the opponent may be blocked.

Dominoes Game Variations

Dominoes International

International Dominoes is a version of the game that uses a set of 55 pieces, allowing up to 4 players or pairs. This variation offers a more complex and strategic game dynamic, with more pieces in play.

Other Popular Variations

There are many other variations of dominoes around the world, including “Latin Dominoes”, which is played with 28 pieces but follows specific scoring and game rules, and “Block Domino”, where the objective is to block the opponent as much as possible. .


Dominoes is a timeless game that combines strategy, luck and social interaction. Mastering the basic rules is just the beginning; Becoming an advanced player requires practice, observation and developing strategies. Try different variations of the game and find the one you like best. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy time spent with friends and family around the game of dominoes.


How many pieces does each player start with in traditional dominoes?

In traditional dominoes, each player starts with 7 pieces when played by 2 players, and 5 pieces when played by 3 or 4 players.

What happens if neither player has double sixes to begin with?

If no player has double sixes, the highest scoring tile is used to start the game. If there is still a tie, players can agree to select tiles again or use the highest scoring tile among the tied players.

Is it possible to play dominoes online?

Yes, there are several online platforms where you can play dominoes against opponents from around the world or against computers. These platforms offer a wide variety of game variations.

Is there an infallible strategy to win at dominoes?

There is no infallible strategy for winning at dominoes, as luck in drawing the pieces also plays a crucial role. However, experienced players can use advanced strategies to improve their chances of winning.

How can I improve my dominoes skills?

Practicing regularly, observing experienced players, and learning different strategies are the best ways to improve your dominoes skills. Participating in tournaments can also be a great way to gain experience.