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Electronic Games: 5 Surprising Applications Beyond Entertainment

Discover how electronic games transcend entertainment, benefiting education, mental health, training and inclusion.
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Exploring the multiple uses of electronic games shows us how this form of entertainment goes beyond the boundaries of leisure, reaching educational, therapeutic and even professional spheres. In this article, we will delve into the different purposes of electronic games, illustrating how they have been applied in different contexts and contributing beyond fun.

child playing game on white ipad


Electronic games have proven to be a valuable tool in the educational field. They are able to:

  • Facilitate the learning of complex subjects through interactive simulations.
  • Promote the development of cognitive skills, such as quick thinking and problem solving.
  • Engage students with more dynamic and interactive learning methods.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

Social development

Electronic games also play a significant role in users' social development, helping to:

  • Improve communication and collaboration skills through multiplayer games.
  • Strengthen social ties by allowing people from different parts of the world to connect.
  • Teach important values such as respect, cooperation and empathy.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding baby's feet

Mental Health and Therapy

In mental health, electronic games are used as a form of therapy to:

  • Assist in the treatment of conditions such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress.
  • Provide a safe escape for relaxation and decompression.
  • Simulate therapeutic scenarios that help in the development of coping strategies.

photography of people inside room during daytime

Professional Training

Electronic games are increasingly used for professional training, especially in areas that require simulation of real scenarios, such as:

  • Medicine, to simulate surgical and diagnostic procedures.
  • Aviation, for flight practice in simulators.
  • Military, for tactical training without physical risks.

team, transformation, digitization


Electronic games promote inclusion by:

  • Provide accessibility through adaptive technologies for players with disabilities.
  • Offer platforms that celebrate cultural and social diversity.


Electronic games transcend simple entertainment, playing crucial roles in education, social development, mental health, professional training and inclusion. This multifunctionality not only expands its applications but also highlights its potential as a tool for positive impact on society.